Yoga Poses And Styles: What are Their Attributed Benefits?
What Benefits are Attributed to Different Yoga Styles?
Have you ever decided to step into the world of Yoga or even just saw some content on your social media and wondered, what benefits are there from these different Yoga Styles? Well, we’ve already covered how there are existing studies and publications showing how yoga, in general, helps improve mental health. However, today we’ll talk about some of the most renowned yoga styles and what their benefits are, physically and mentally.
What you’ll find in this post
· What are some of the most recognized Yoga Styles?
o Hatha Yoga
o Vinyasa Yoga
o Kundalini Yoga
o Ashtanga Yoga
o Restorative Yoga
o Yin Yoga
· Other Popular/Renowned Styles
What are some of the most Recognized Yoga Styles?
Now while “popularity” or recognition can be a bit different by region, there are definitely some names that will sound more similar than others. There are so many yoga styles out there to choose from and each have their uniqueness, which ultimately means that each may have different benefits physically, spiritually, and mentally. Now while this isn’t a guide for you to choose the next style you’ll master; you will be able to find here what benefits these styles are usually associated with. From “the mother of all yoga”, Hatha Yoga, to the outdoor dangerous looking Acro Yoga, let’s explore the benefits of each of these popular yoga styles:
1. Hatha Yoga
Well, if you didn’t know we spoiled it earlier, Hatha Yoga is considered the mother of most yoga styles we know and love today. Hatha, with “Ha” meaning Sun and “Tha” meaning Moon in Sanskrit, is the foundation for many of the existing Yoga Styles. Some also argue that Hatha is a perfect style for beginners as it focuses on the basics. It originated as a practice to prepare oneself for higher states of mediation.
Recognized Poses
Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)
Physical: Enhances flexibility, strength, and balance.
Mental: Provides relaxation, stress relief, and improved focus.
2. Vinyasa Yoga
Often called “Flow Yoga”, Vinyasa Yoga partly evolved from Ashtanga practices. The name means “arranging something in a special way” in Sanskrit. Vinyasa Yoga emphasizes the connection between movement and breath, in order to achieve a flow like practice.
Recognized Poses
Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar)
Warrior I & II (Virabhadrasana I & II)
Plank Pose
Physical: Increases endurance and strength.
Mental: Improves mood and energy levels.
3. Kundalini Yoga:
Kundalini Yoga refers to the energy at the base of the spine. It was introduced to the Yoga Community by Yogi Bhajan and it uses mantra chanting, breathing exercises, and poses to awaken this energy.
Recognized Poses
Breath of Fire (Kapalbhati)
Spinal Twists
Sat Kriya
Physical: Increases stamina and vitality.
Mental: Improves consciousness and spiritual growth.
4. Ashtanga Yoga
It was primarily popularized in the 20th century, by K. Pattabhi Jois, it is based on ancient Yoga Teachings. The word “Ashtanga” is translated to “Eight Limbs” in Sanskrit, in a reference to 8 paths of yoga.
Recognized Poses
Upward Bow (Urdhva Dhanurasana)
Half Lotus (Ardha Padmasana)
Boat Pose (Navasana)
Physical: Develops core strength and stamina.
Mental: Provides Discipline and self-awareness.
5. Yin Yoga
Its origins are traced back to the Taoist traditions. It focuses on passive stretches, targeting the connective tissues. It’s the ultimate chill pill.
Recognized Poses
Dragonfly Pose (Upavistha Konasana)
Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana)
Sleeping Swan (Pigeon Pose Variation)
Physical: Targets deep connective tissues, increases flexibility, and releases facial tension.
Mental: It cultivates inner stillness, mindfulness, and emotional balance.
6. Restorative Yoga
Designed to, just how its own name mentions it, restore physical and mental well-being using props for support. Allowing the mind and body to reach deep relaxation. It comes from the teachings of B.K.S lyengar.
Recognized Poses
Child’s Pose (Balasana) with bolser
Reclining Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)
Supported Bridge Pose
Physical: Aids in recovery and flexibility
Mental: Reduces Stress and anxiety
Other Popular/Renowned Yoga Styles
Yoga has existed for thousands of years so if we went over all Yoga Styles, this would be pretty long. But before we wrap our styles list, we should still give a shout to a few other yoga styles that didn’t make this list as they are absolutely worth mentioning. Without further ado, there’s Prenatal Yoga, created for expectant mothers to ease their journey to childbirth; Jivamukti Yoga, which blends spirituality with physical active practices; Anusara Yoga, a heart-centered principle and focus on alignments; and Sivananda Yoga, built around five core principles, including proper exercise, and breathing. Each style offers an array of holistic benefits and a chance to explore a variety of dimensions of yoga.
Some Final Thoughts
With such a variety of yoga flavors to choose from, yoga’s beauty is in its vastness of disciplines. Whether you are muscular training with Vinyasa, trying to recover with Restorative Yoga or relaxing with Yin Yoga. There will be a style and discipline that exists out there with years of fundamentals aiding you to achieve your goals, physically and mentally. If you’re just starting out, you can check out our beginner friendly Bloom and Seed classes covering Yin Yoga and Vinyasa Flow, respectively. Remember although Yoga can be a personal journey you are not alone in your beginnings. Whatever style you choose, the benefits of yoga are easily proven to be universal. So, get a mat, unroll it, and start finding peace with your body and mind through your movements in Yoga.